LINCOLN- Though thousands of miles away, a Nebraska lawmaker hopes a prospective state law sent to Gov. Jim Pillen on Thursday could help prevent conflict in the Pacific region. Sen. Eliot Bostar heralded his LB1300, which includes the Pacific Conflict Stress Test Act, as a way to prepare for and mitigate some threats that a Pacific conflict may pose. But a greater goal is to prevent a conflict from even occurring.
The governor requested that Bostar introduce the Pacific conflict portions this year. Through LB1300, lawmakers are also seeking to build bridges with nations in the Pacific as well as people of Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander descent living in Nebraska. The legislation would create an advocacy Commission on Asian American Affairs as proposed by Sen. Rita Sanders.
LB1300 received final approval 46-0 on Thursday and will go to Pillen for his approval. Should Pillen sign the bill, Bostar’s Pacific conflict provisions would take effect the next day. Other laws were attached to LB1300, and those would take effect three months after the Legislature adjourns this year, which is scheduled for next week.
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