Last week members of the Legislature gathered in Nebraska City at their annual Legislative Council Retreat. This event hosts all members of the body, as well as the clerk of the legislature to discuss the upcoming session, and get updates from committee leaders on 2020 issues. During these presentations, the Speaker of the Legislature Jim Scheer handed out two documents; first, the outline of how the session will go forward starting in January- including the first ten days start time, and important dates like priority designations, and full-day debate; Secondly he handed out the general rules of debate and floor procedures for the session. These mirror those of previous sessions under Speaker Scheer. Both of these documents are below for your review.
As important dates come up, and are announced during the session, we will post them to our "Important Dates and Events" article which will appear at the top of each newsletter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Joe or Brennen.
View the 2020 Session Schedule HERE
View the 2020 Session Bill Scheduling and Floor Procedures HERE