LINCOLN- The question of who paid to ensure medical marijuana would not be on the ballot in November remains a mystery. Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Wagner says even he does not know who got this issue in front of the Supreme Court. All that is known about this is that no taxpayer dollars were used for the litigation. He has openly spoken about his disapproval of medical marijuana on multiple occasions.
Mark Fahleson, a Lincoln attorney who argued the opposition to the issue appearing on the ballot in court says who paid him is a matter of attorney-client privilege so he is unable to disclose who brought the issue to him. The Supreme Court ruled 5-2 to reverse the opinion of the Secretary of State Bob Evnen.
The medical marijuana initiative will try to get the issue on a ballot again in two years following an announcement by organizers that they would introduce the petition question to ensure that every Nebraskan has access to medical marijuana no matter the delivery method. The broad nature of this language is expected to make medical marijuana a large discussion topic of the 2021 legislative session that will begin on January 6th.
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