OMAHA- Hospitalizations for COVID-19 are now at record levels in Nebraska. Officials are concerned that the surging cases will outstrip hospital capacity and its healthcare workforce. Governor Ricketts' announced $40 million of the federal relief dollars towards helping hospital staff. This could mean hiring temporary staff, awarding overtime or starting hazard pay. Twenty-one hospitals are eligible for the funding. 

Omaha-based healthcare staffing agencies says they will be able to meet the demand if the market for healthcare workers becomes tight. Omaha is the national hub for medical staging companies. “I call it the Silicon Valley of health care staffing,” says John Maaske, CEO of Triage. Officials say the hospitalizations have not plateaued and the numbers will definitely continue to rise in the upcoming weeks. The rate of hospitalization is up 68% from the previous peak the state hit in May. 

The hope is that hospitals will have enough traveling nurses so that staff can take extra time off and have rest in the midst of the pandemic chaos. Hospitals are also looking at offering a premium to nurses wanting to pick up extra shifts. Andy Hale, the Nebraska Hospital Association's Vice President for Advocacy says putting money behind staffing is a step in the right direction. 

Intensive care nurses are also in high demand, especially for respiratory therapists. Ricketts has also said hospital capacity needs to be reserved for heart attack victims, moms delivering babies and others that will be needing acute care. 

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