INCOLN- Warren Buffett has rejected the "anti-Native American" tone of a campaign mailer sent by a group tied to the governor. Although Buffett remains firmly opposed to expanding gambling in Nebraska, he was appalled by the term "Indian casinos" being put by a picture of himself on the mailer. He claimed the mailer was "inappropriate" and a "dog whistle" that played into racial prejudices.
The group that printed the ad, Keep the Good Life Inc., had received $250,000 in donations from Ricketts in just the past week. The group was recently founded to oppose gambling Initiatives 429, 430 and 431 that will appear on the Nov. 3 ballot.
Ho-Chunk Inc. sponsored the petition that got the three measures on the ballot. The CEO of Ho-Chunk, Lance Morgan, says the column was designed to play into the prejudices by turning "Indians" into the bad guys. He says it was a scare tactic and has racist undertones. Legal counsel for the pro-gambling group says the opposition likes to "fear-monger" and "race-bait".
Mike Fahleson is the registered agent for Keep the Good Life and is reported to be the treasurer, however, declined to comment and says he cannot speak for the group.
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