WASHINGTON- The outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election could be in the Omaha-area's hands. According to an electoral college map, Biden would top Trump 270-268. Nate Silver who tweeted that figure says, “It’s all going to come down to the recount in Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District.”
President Trump will most likely win the state overall, but the state awards one electoral college vote to the winner of each district. President Obama won the district in 2008, which declared the city a "blue-dot". Every four years, political observers and journalists are set to determine wither the district really could determine the race. There are 64 different chances for a tie in the election, so flipping the 2nd District would produce a 270-268 winner. One district in Maine could also produce the same result.
In 2008, when Obama won the district, the margin was too wide to tell if the district truly helped put him in the White House. Campaigns for both the former Vice President and the President have been looking at the district for the entirety of their campaigns. Douglas County Election Commissioner Brian Kruse says him and his staff are prepared for everything to come down to Omaha.
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