OMAHA- Rep. Don bacon has secured support from former Rep. Brad Ashford, whom he defeated to get the job back in 2016. Originally, Ashford wanted to remain neutral in this race but decided it was time to endorse a candidate. He released his statement just moments before the debate between Bacon and his challenger, Kara Eastman. He noted his bipartisan work and thought Bacon was a candidate better equipped to reach across the aisle.
“Don Bacon proved yesterday that he is on the extreme fringe of his own party,” said Ashford in the statement.
The Omaha World Herald Editorial Board noted in it's endorsement:
"Rep. Don Bacon, the 2nd District incumbent, has made such efforts to work across the partisan aisle on several key issues, and he has refrained from joining the extreme rhetoric from President Donald Trump on issues such as immigration and our alliances abroad. We appreciate his efforts in that regard, and that leads us to give him our endorsement in the 2nd District contest. In the U.S. House, a group of lawmakers has come together to form the Problem Solvers Caucus, which promotes needed consensus-building on difficult issues. Out of the House’s 435 members, the Problem Solvers Caucus consists of about 48 members, divided nearly equally between Democrats and Republicans. It’s encouraging that Bacon chose to join the caucus as one of its Republican members."