OMAHA- The Nebraska State Education Association called on Gov. Ricketts to impose stricter restrictions including mask mandates, closing bars and suspending indoor dining. The board of directors of the NSEA fears a school shutdown if the state continues to have a relaxed approach to the pandemic. The union also wants the governor to decrease the density of the ratio of students to classroom.
NSEA President Jenni Benson says the governor is "100% accountable for what is happening".
According the a study conducted by the NSEA of it’s members, some teachers are planning on leaving teaching because of the absolute exhaustion they are feeling during this time. The top answer on the study to teachers said the top emotion they are feeling is 'overwhelmed', followed by 'stressed', 'frustrated' and 'worried'. 15% of teachers surveyed are looking for a new job and 3.6% are planning on quitting at the end of the year. 52% also said their district leaders were not listening to them, especially in relation to COVID-19 issues.
Governor Ricketts continued to urge Nebraskans to voluntarily follow mask guidelines rather than enforcing a statewide mask mandate during his Monday morning press conference. He says educating the public will result in more people wearing masks and following health measures rather than trying to force it on people, pushing back on the NSEA and other’s push to mandate them state-wide.
Ricketts said if figures rise to 25% hospital occupancy he will further restrictions on public gatherings. The 25% will be based on a 7-day rolling average of hospital beds available state-wide.