WASHTINGTON, D.C.- U.S. gas and oil leaders have spent years fighting the government's clamping down on emissions of methane. However, a growing group of companies say President-elect Biden's promised regulations could be exactly what the industry needs.
"In part it's because they get the global picture. They understand it's no longer tenable to make the claim that gas is a clean, low-carbon resource and then fight against implementing regulations that guarantee that's the case," said Mark Brownstein with the Environmental Defense Fund.
The change of heart doesn't come from a new found environmental consciousness, it comes from the growing pressure to pacify investors who are increasingly worried about sustainability. The industry is hoping to continue to tap into the U.S. shale reserves that have allowed for gas to be the main fuel choice for homes but also hopes to expand to foreign markets. The sharp growth in production that helped natural gas replace coal has been accompanied by methane emissions, which are far more potent than carbon dioxide, although the lifespan in the atmosphere is much shorter.
An oil and gas lobbyist said the regulations need to be extremely explicit under the Biden Administration. The President-elect has already promised to crack down on methane emissions as soon as he is in the White House.
Read President-elect Joe Biden's plan on methane emissions HERE
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