LINCOLN- One question remains after the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed the Texas attorney general's lawsuit that claimed election laws were broken which led to Joe Biden becoming President-elect Biden. Would Nebraska have been involved if Donald Trump were the winner? Governor Ricketts insists that the interest of the state was not political, rather he wants states to follow their own laws.
What the 17 Republican-led states did was baldly political, not to mention dangerous and undemocratic. The argument Texas made was that Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia expanded voting in ways their legislatures did not approve. "It argued Texas voters were harmed because they must live under President Joe Biden, elected in allegedly unconstitutional way." The argument was underpinned by conspiracy theories that say states somehow handed Biden the presidency, even though Republicans made gains in congress... using the same ballots.
If the states won the lawsuit, it would have disenfranchised 20 million Americans who voted in those states. To be clear, Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson who was backed by Governor Pete Ricketts and Secretary of State Bob Evnen signed onto that on behalf of all Nebraskans.
Republican Senator Ben Sasse said any American who cares about the rule of law should take comfort in the Supreme Court quickly slapping this lawsuit down and is happy that even the justices President Trump picked closed the book on the nonsense. A Quinnipiac Poll showed that 77% of Republicans believed there was widespread fraud in the November 3rd election. U.S. Attorney General said no fraud has been found, along with 90 judges that have also dismissed the claims.
The lawsuit was shameful and was an attempt to block 20 million Americans their most fundamental right.
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