LINCOLN - Gov. Pete Ricketts on Thursday announced a further easing of restrictions on public gatherings in 89 counties. Counties not entiering what is referred to as "Phase 2" of the Directed Health Measures are: Dakota, Merrick, Hall, and Hamilton. These counties can see a loosening of restrictions to the level currently seen in other counties- such as opening of restaurants and small group gatherings with social distancing. All other counties will move into "Phase 2" which includes the following changes:

-Most travelers who leave the state, including over Memorial Day weekend, will not be required to quarantine upon their return to Nebraska unless they have traveled internationally. 

-Bars will be allowed to reopen under the same rules that apply to restaurants, including 6 feet of space between tables and no more than six people at a table. Bar activities such as darts and pool tables will be prohibited.

-Sports teams with low contact level between participants, such as tennis, rodeo, and volleyball will be allowed to begin practice on June 1st, and hold games on June 18th. Sports such as football, wrestling, and basketball are still prohibited due to a high level of contact

-Gatherings will be limited to 25 people, or — in the cases of stadiums, arenas, festivals, zoos, and other large venues — 25% of the venue's rated occupancy, but no more than 3,000 people. 

-Health clubs will be allowed to host 25 people or 50% of their rated capacity (whichever is greater)

A state senator urged caution Thursday, saying the state still hasn’t reached the level of testing for the coronavirus that has been recommended before loosening restrictions.

“There are other states who have started to do this, and it would probably benefit us to be more cautious and see what their experience is until we stumble into another infection,” said Sen. Steve Lathrop of Omaha. The new rules are going to be hard to enforce, Lathrop predicted, especially because some people think the pandemic “is nonsense.”

Read the Governor's full DHM release HERE

Read the full article HERE