LINCOLN - Lost revenue and potential future impacts on state funding led UNL to freeze salaries for the year. Promotional increases — for faculty who gain or advance in tenure status, for example — will still be awarded.
Freezing salaries are expected to save $7 million for the 2020-21 fiscal year. NU administrators estimate COVID-19 could result in a $50 million fiscal hit across the university system and its campuses in Lincoln, Omaha, and Kearney.
Restrictions limiting who had access to campus buildings will be lifted beginning June 1, he said. Previously, only employees whose physical presence was necessary could enter campus buildings. The bookstore in the Nebraska Union on City Campus will open June 8 with limited hours, while the 24-hour computer lab will also open for students with an NCard.
UNL will begin installing hand sanitizer stations across campus, "with the goal of providing hand sanitizer in all buildings by August.
Read the full article HERE.