WASHINGTON - The vast majority of Covid patients make full recoveries from the disease. But doctors are worried about the long-term damage from severe infections. The military isn’t taking any chances: The Pentagon says Covid survivors are barred from joining. And as cases continue to grow, more and more people will survive Covid but suffer from lasting health effects. Your host spoke with three physicians today who are on the frontlines of treating Covid patients and managing their recovery to talk about what they know so far about the virus’ lasting impact.

Additionally, recovering in isolation could heighten depression and other mental health disorders faced by Covid survivors, said Aaron Bunnell, a physician at the University of Washington’s Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Already about half of people admitted to the ICU with acute respiratory distress syndrome, which many Covid patients get, don’t return to work within a year, probably because of decreased endurance and physical function and impaired cognition and mental health, Bunnell said.

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