LINCOLN - In his January report, City Finance Director Brandon Kauffman adumbrated that Lincoln will experience shortfalls of $6 million and $8 million that would require attention during the budget building process. Kauffman’s projections now appear somewhat vatic given developments with the pandemic. Now, Lincoln, according to Kauffman, will face an even greater shortfall, amounting to $17 million in the upcoming fiscal year and $22 million in the following.
Forecasts are predicting a 40% decline in sales tax revenue for the city of Lincoln. Hiring freezes and the elimination of certain vacant positions are under consideration by the city. Jennifer Brinkman, the Mayor’s Chief of Staff, has said that everything is on the table. Both Omaha and Lincoln were not eligible for the aid contained within the federal CAREs act.
Lincoln Mayor Gaylor Baird has lobbied Nebraska’s Congressional delegation to push for more direct aid to local governments. Lincoln’s 40 million cash reserve is not seen as an answer to the current problems associated with the pandemic.
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