Midlands Voices: Universal mask wearing is truly necessary during this health crisis

OMAHA- The writers, Dr's James Lawler, Daniel Johnson, and Sara Bares are all M.D.s at Nebraska Medicine and faculty members at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. 

"As infectious disease and critical care specialists at UNMC and Nebraska Medicine, we bear firsthand witness to the human toll of COVID-19 on a daily basis. While we are happy to see Nebraskans getting back to work and slowly restoring normalcy to our lives, we also sense a growing gap between the public’s perception that the worst of the pandemic is behind us and the reality that we continue to teeter on the precipice of disaster.

How the pandemic plays out in Nebraska largely depends on the collective result of how each of us acts individually. Just as the old Smokey Bear advertisements focused on personal responsibility to prevent forest fires, the same message is relevant here: Only YOU can prevent COVID-19.

Your safety, and the safety of your family and your neighbors, rest upon the actions you take in the coming weeks and months. So, what can you do?

You can start by wearing a mask..."

Read the full article HERE