LINCOLN- Nebraska’s coronavirus cases and hospitalization rates have largely plateaued, but state officials are paying close attention to the warning bells ringing in California, Texas, Arizona and a number of other states where cases are spiking.
“Right now, we’re about as stable as we’ve ever been,” said Dr. Gary Anthone, Nebraska’s chief medical officer, during a video call to discuss the coronavirus response of St. Francis Medical Center in Grand Island.“We’re watching things very closely,” he said. “We have to be very vigilant.”
Coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and ventilator use in Nebraska have been on a slow but steady downturn since April and May. Tuesday, 120 people statewide were hospitalized with COVID-19, according to the state dashboard, down from a peak of 232 on May 27.The state averaged about 130 new cases a day last week, 150 the week before and 170 the week before that.
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