LINCOLN- A bill that would stop D&E abortion procedures on a living fetus passed the last legislative hurtle Thursday. It will go to Gov. Pete Ricketts, who is expected to sign it into law.
The bill (LB814) was stuck in committee after its hearing in February, and Lincoln Sen. Suzanne Geist, who introduced it, successfully moved to pull it from committee so it could be debated. Because of that, it came to the floor with no committee work or amendments, and so was passed as it was originally introduced.
Omaha Sen. Megan Hunt, who led filibusters against the bill on all three levels of debate, continued to say the bill was given special treatment by Speaker Jim Scheer in scheduling. And she said Lt. Gov. Mike Foley, who presides over the Legislature and is an outspoken supporter of the bill, was allowed to run legislative strategy on it from the president's chair.
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