LINCOLN- Secretary of State Bob Evnen ruled Thursday that a medical marijuana initiative should be placed on the Nov. 3 ballot, though he said he had “no doubt” that his decision will be challenged in court.
Evnen said Thursday evening that while “there are a number of problems” with the language of the proposed constitutional amendment submitted by Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, his review found that the language was “legally sufficient” to be placed before voters. “This was a close call,” said Evnen, who is an attorney.
Evnan's decision followed his review of letters submitted Wednesday by Mark Fahleson, a Lincoln attorney and former head of the Nebraska Republican Party, who challenged the ballot language on behalf of unnamed Nebraskans who oppose legalization of medical marijuana. Fahleson declined to comment following the announcement, but said that a decision on whether to challenge Evnen's decision in court would be made soon.
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