OMAHA - In a press release sent Saturday night, members of the Omaha Public Schools board urged the Omaha City Council to implement a mandatory mask ordinance before the school year begins Aug. 11.
The request comes after Douglas County Health Director Adi Pour backed off a mask mandate for Omaha on Friday, citing “legal disagreements” between the state and the Omaha City Attorney’s Office.
The board noted that a mask ordinance doesn’t have to be a “criminal offense with the potential of jail time,” and “Lawmakers and leaders can never allow the threat of a lawsuit to keep them from doing the right thing.”
OPS has decided to start the school year by dividing students into two groups and having them attend classes on alternate days.
The school board voted 9-0 in June to approve a resolution requiring anyone engaging in any activity on district property to wear a mask when other people are present.
View notes HERE.