OMAHA- Due to massive sewer expansion, a flush from Sarpy County could end up in Omaha. The City of Omaha has said Omaha's system would be able to process the additional waste. The agency behind the project-made up of the mayors from Bellevue, Papillion, La Vista, Gretna, Springfield and the chairman of the Sarpy County Board approved the partnership with Omaha. It still needs to be approved by the Omaha City Council. 

With this partnership, the county will save millions of dollars by using the Omaha treatment plant. Omaha will benefit by receiving more revenue. The total cost is estimated to be $220 million for the project. The first phase of the project won't be completed for at least two years, with the entire project likely taking multiple decades to be finished. 

Eventually, the agency will have to seek out a private company that will build the lift stations that actually get the water to the Omaha plant. Omaha has two wastewater treatment plants, one by the Omaha Veterans Memorial Bridge and the other is close to Offutt Air Force Base. The city is planning a $50 million investment to increase its capacity at the Papillion plant. The project is expected to create 97,000 taxable properties in Sarpy County. 

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