LINCOLN- Legislative Resolution 21CA, proposed on Wednesday, could allow voters to take a dramatic step toward reducing local property taxes. Sen. Briese of Albion is proposing that the state take over all 'classroom expenses' of K-12 schools. This will relieve property taxes from funding teacher salaries, books and other costs. This would address what the senator thinks is one of the main drivers of the state's high property taxes. The crisis comes from the lack of support for local schools as Nebraska ranks near the bottom nationally.
“For far too long the State of Nebraska has shirked its obligation to provide for the ‘free education’ of its students. Instead, the state has continually chosen to pass on the bulk of the cost of public education to its property tax payers,” Briese said.
This comes after the state failed to boost state aid to local schools. He realizes the state may have to look at new/higher taxes to pick up these classroom expenses. The state provides around $1 billion to public education now.
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