LINCOLN- The first time 'Keystone XL' was written in the Journal Star dates back to 2008. That article was about an open house in York where the Canadian company, TC Energy (formerly TransCanada), solicited input about how Nebraskans would feel about something like the pipeline. Now, 12 1/2 yeas later, the pipeline remains unbuilt and is at the whim of whichever president is currently sitting. 

Nebraskans were excited about the possibility of jobs that would be brought by the construction of the pipeline, but the state is better off without Keystone XL. Investments in renewable energy are rising while investments in the oil and gas industry from financial institutions and other entities are dropping.

The area where the pipeline would be built, the Sandhills, is an ecologically fragile region-- an oil spill in this area would devastate the state. Joe Biden's first step to ensuring the country knew his priorities on climate change was to put an end to the pipeline. His predecessor, President Trump and President Obama also held very strong opinions on the pipeline. Obama, of course, stopping production on the pipeline in 2015 and Trump reviving the construction shortly after.

Read the story HERE