LINCOLN- Amid an unprecedented pandemic, Gov. Ricketts recently said that a 'big priority' for the Nebraska Legislature this session will be approving spending limits on schools across the state. 

"The simplest argument against such an overreach was best echoed by Sen. Adam Morfeld in a tweet: 'We already have spending limits on schools - It's called the local school board'". 

Across the state, school boards have approved budgets that the state government is aware of. The boards have done an outstanding job with what they have and the governor wants to strip that power from them. The state already has many regulations that boards must follow while creating a budget. During a pandemic is not the appropriate time to place more restrictions on the already overworked and underpaid education system. 

The aim of capping school budgets is to create more property tax relief for Nebraskans. There is absolutely a property tax problem in the state, but why does the solution have to come from schools?

Most Nebraskans understand that when education is properly funded, the state only improves. A prime example of this is incredibly successful University of Nebraska system.

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