LINCOLN — Nebraska State Sen. Mike Flood of Norfolk has tested positive for COVID-19.

Flood, who confirmed the positive test Wednesday, is the second state official this week to publicly share a positive test result. Secretary of State Bob Evnen postponed a press conference announcing his reelection campaign Monday morning because of a positive test.

The State Legislature is nearing the end of a special session that brought Nebraska’s 49 lawmakers from across the state to Lincoln to redraw maps for voting districts. Much of last week was spent in intense negotiations that culminated Friday with the passage of compromise plans for congressional and legislative districts. The final round of consideration for bills is expected to start Thursday.

Flood told The World-Herald that he noticed he had a stuffy nose while driving home from the Capitol Friday. Over the next couple of days, he said, he developed more symptoms, including chills, loss of taste and smell, and tiredness.

Monday morning, he said, he got tested with a rapid test and it came back positive. He told Sen. Mike Hilgers, speaker of the Legislature, immediately, Flood said. Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Director Pat Lopez reached out to him to talk through the days leading up to Friday and whom he interacted with so they could be contacted.

Flood said he is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and credits the vaccination for his lack of more serious symptoms. Aside from the minor symptoms, Flood said he felt fine Wednesday.

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