HASTINGS — Nebraska legislators may be considering a statewide abortion ban in 2022, much like the ban adopted in Texas in May.

Lt. Gov. Mike Foley spoke Saturday to 22 people who gathered at a “Remember the Unborn” event hosted by South Central Nebraska Right to Life at Parkview Cemetery in Hastings.

Legislation is dependent on the state’s “pro-life” groups, he said, such as Nebraska Catholic Conference, Nebraskan Family Alliance and Nebraska Right to Life.

“Those three groups convene before each session, strategize on what they want to do, and then they get a senator to put their bills in,” Foley said. “I know they’re strategizing right now, and I have no doubt that that bill is in the mix of discussion.”

He added, “I think we may see that. There’s a lot of interest in what’s happening in Texas.”

Mark Lee Dickson, a Texas-based anti-abortion lobbyist, speaking at Saturday’s event, called for local governments to pass their own anti-abortion ordinances to make cities into “sanctuaries” for unborn children.

Eighteen cities in the United States have passed such ordinances, Dickson said.

“We need to see more cities stand up. We need to see more states pass the strongest laws possible,” he said. “I’ve never been more convinced that now is the time. Now is the time to fight like we’ve never fought before.”

Dickson added, “Conservatives can stand up and make sure ordinances are passed that represent their beliefs and values.”

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