LINCOLN- 21,000 Lancaster County educators and staff will be receiving COVID-19 shots in early March, around the time of Lincoln Public Schools' spring break. State teachers unions expressed concern about their members not being among the first to be vaccinated. UNL and LPS, along with other school districts, have allowed staff to begin signing up for the vaccine. The state prioritization splits school staff into K-12, preschool, support staff, higher education and licensed child care provider groupings.
Before teachers are vaccinated, the Health Department plans to vaccinate homeless shelter staff and corrections workers. This week 2,000 Lincoln residents who are 73 and older will be receiving their first doses and many will also be receiving second doses. Daily new cases in Lancaster County has fallen 63% from 135 per day in January to 49 mid February.
New variants of the virus have been making their way to Nebraska, so Dr. James Lawler from UNMC says there could be a surge in new cases.
"Yes, I think we've turned one corner," Lawler said. "But it doesn't mean that more corners are not ahead of us."
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