LINCOLN — No one testified Thursday in support of a legislative bill that would triple fines against public officials who enact mask mandates and other public health measures and then violate them.
The state senator who introduced the proposal, Sen. Ben Hansen of Blair, didn’t cite any examples of that happening in Nebraska, instead calling his Legislative Bill 645 a “proactive” measure against what he called “egregious oversteps” by local officials during the COVID-19 pandemic.
While Hansen didn’t cite any examples Thursday of missteps by Nebraska officials, the issue of public officials violating restrictions they signed has come up nationally. A recall effort against California Gov. Gavin Newson gained steam in November after he was seen dining at a pricey Napa Valley restaurant, without masks or socially distanced, in violation of restrictions he helped set.
Hansen said that directed health measures have hurt businesses and caused political turmoil.
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