LINCOLN- A step has been taken by the Nebraska Legislature to make schools safer from threats of violence, including school shootings, suicide and bullying. In a 33-5 vote, senators approved LB322, legislation that would create a statewide hotline where anyone could anonymously report concerns about students. Sen. Matt Williams of Gothenburg introduced the bill and argued the program would have a first year price tag of around $900,000.
This would be an expansion of a successful pilot program in Douglas County. In the first year of the program, the hotline got around 500 calls-- varying in concerns such as self harm and threats to schools in the district. After someone calls, they are directed to crisis counselors at BoysTown who offer better resources immediately.
Sen. Mike Groene is in opposition of the bill, saying this could harm young people in their futures then proceeded to compare the program to the German Nazi paramilitary group, known as the Brownshirts.
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