LINCOLN- Sen. Tony Vargas of Omaha has been making a continuous effort to provide more pandemic-related protections to meatpacking plant workers who have been ravaged by COVID-19 for the past year. 7,072 meatpacking workers have been infected by the virus, while 225 have been hospitalized and 27 have passed away. Vargas also noted the majority of workers are Latino and immigrants, including many refugees.
Representatives from meatpacking plants such as Smithfield Foods and Lincoln Premium Poultry spoke in opposition to the bill, saying they require social distancing at the plants. Proponents of the bill argued that the health and well-being of workers should be the primary concern. Meatpacking workers are often crowded, with one testifier saying there are some areas where social distancing is just not possible.
And they are working “shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow” on the production line, said James Goodard, speaking for Nebraska Appleseed.
Vargas moved to introduce a similar bill late in the reconvened 2020 session, but failed on a motion to suspend the rules.
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