LINCOLN- The Board of Regents at the University of Nebraska approved a policy change saying it will consider the environmental and social impacts of their investments. This decision came after 15 months of talks between regents, administrators and students pushing for the university to pull investments from fossil fuel companies. This policy change though will only apply to the $370 million managed by the regents in Fund N. The remaining $1.7 billion endowment held in Fund A will continue to be managed by the University of Nebraska Foundation. Through this policy, the goal is to only invest in companies with a sustainability fund in place by 2025.
NU President Ted Carter said the university system does not have any direct investments in fossil fuel companies and has reduced its exposure to energy companies form 6.5% to 2%. 1% of Fund N endowment is invested in the Carbon Underground 200.
“What it does do is create flexibility for you to consider factors other than making money,” Carter said. “I think we can all agree that there is value in flexibility, and that responsible investing is a best practice that aligns with the priorities of our students, faculty and staff.”
Speaker Hilgers told the Board of Regents that he is hopeful this policy will lead to a great future of the state and university. "You have a Nebraska Legislature that is ready, willing and able to drive through those headwinds and work toward transformational change," said Hilgers of Lincoln.
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