LINCOLN- For the first time in years, revenue projections are providing the Legislature with considerable room for tax cuts and spending projects-- about $210 million. The coming days of debate in the legislature will bring scenes of tax-cut and spending proposals. The lawmakers are not obligated to spend the cash, but it does not seem there will be any restraint on spending. The body may even exceed the $210 million.The projected tax-cut proposals add up to much more than $210 million.
Senators should have the responsible sense of balance that will ensure individual bills do not add to the total. After the past years of tight budgets, lawmakers are eager to spend but have already placed more revenue-affecting proposals for consideration than the upcoming budget can sustain. Two bills that highlight the spending disconnect are LB64 and LR11CA.
"This situation shows how the legislative process is harmed when lawmakers casually indulge in so much vote-trading that faulty legislation is irresponsibly voted out of committee. Serving in the Legislature is a privilege, and it must be taken seriously."
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