LINCOLN- After the steep climb of a legislative session a group of state senators is going a lot further, and steeper. Sens. Tom Brewer, Anna Wishart, Justin Wayne and Ben Hansen are planning a trip to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, in September. The group includes two Republicans, two Democrats, one African American, one woman, two urban senators and two rural senators. They are even looking for some post-climb adventures such as seeing exotic animals while in Africa.
Col. Tom Brewer had the trip planned with a military friend when Sen. Hansen asked if he could tag along. Soon enough both Sen. Wayne and Sen. Wishart were on board. The climb will begin on Sept. 7 and will end on Sept 12, including a 6 hour walk through a rain forest on the first day. By the last day, the group will have endured a 12 hour climb to the summit. The temperature will range from 70 to 80 degrees to 10 degrees below or colder.
"It will be fun to be there with some Nebraskans to experience a great adventure. To hold a Nebraska flag at the top."
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