LINCOLN- In his closing comments to the members of the 2021 Legislature, Speaker Mike Hilgers had one message: It is now time now to think big. The resources will be there in 2022, Speaker of the Legislature Mike Hilgers says, as $500 million in new federal pandemic recovery assistance comes flowing into the state.
"It might be a once-in-a-legislative-generation opportunity for the state," Hilgers said.
And legislative dynamics shout that the moment is now: Some heavy-hitters, experienced senators who are leaders and doers and who already have racked up some big accomplishments for the state, will be serving their eighth and final year in the Legislature, the Lincoln senator noted.
"Big thinkers with good working relationships," Hilgers said. The time is right, he said, and the resources will be there. "We're going to come to play next year," the speaker said.
After reviewing the pandemic-challenged 2021 Legislature's accomplishments during an interview in his office at the Capitol immediately after senators adjourned Thursday and headed home, Hilgers cast a look ahead.
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