LINCOLN- In a memo sent to senators this week, Speaker Mike Hilgers noted that he has received a number of inquires regarding hte timing, format, and procedures surrounding the upcoming special session on redistricting. While some details cannot be finalized until closer to the session, Hilgers’ noted that it is prudent for the body to start preparing for when they re-convene, and his memo is meant to address many of the common issues and questions.

The most significant question Hilgers’ received has been in regards to the timing. He has provided additional context in the memo, which can be read using the hyperlink below, but for the legislature’s special session he asked senators please be available September 13th through September 30th. In addition, as in special sessions in the past, the legislature will likely meeat on Saturday September 18th and Saturday September 25th if needed. 

While these dates will be held on senators calendars, Speaker Hilgers also noted that because the start of the special session is dependent on forces outside of the body’s control (namely, receipt of data from the federal government), he asks members to retain flexibility and understand that circumstances may dictate a change in dates of the session. 

To read the memo in its entirety, including information regarding the scope of the session, and additional details on timing PLEASE CLICK HERE.