NEBRASKA- Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies are warning of a spike in fentanyl-related overdoses and deaths in the Omaha and Lincoln areas over the past week.

From Aug. 10 to Sunday, officials have documented two fentanyl-related overdose deaths and five more nonfatal overdoses in Omaha, said Emily Murray, a spokeswoman with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Omaha division. Six fentanyl-related overdose deaths and 16 nonfatal overdoses were identified in Lincoln over that same time period.

Authorities said the majority of the deaths involved cocaine mixed with fentanyl, which is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times more powerful than morphine.

A lethal dose of fentanyl is about the same size as a few grains of salt, authorities said.

Investigators say they are finding cocaine, methamphetamine and counterfeit pills made to look like real pharmaceutical pills that are laced with fentanyl.

Murray said authorities have seen overdoses and deaths steadily increase in recent weeks, but the numbers have spiked in the past week because of a batch of cocaine that is laced with fentanyl.

Authorities reminded the public that under state law, people are exempt from criminal liability if they call for medical help for themselves or others for a drug overdose.

The Omaha and Lincoln Police Departments, Nebraska State Patrol and federal DEA in Omaha issued a joint press release about the matter Tuesday afternoon.

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