LINCOLN- A group in Nebraska is preparing to gather signatures for a pair of ballot initiatives to legalize medical cannabis.

The group, Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, announced on Wednesday that it recently filed drafts of its two measures. If it gathers enough signatures by a July deadline, voters will weigh in on both next November.

State Sen. Anna Wishart, one of two legislators involved in the effort, said one of the petitions will relate to protecting patients’ rights to have access to cannabis through a doctor’s recommendation. The other, she said, would set up a regulated, private industry to produce cannabis for the patients who qualify under the first initiative.

“It’s heartbreaking and senseless that politicians are standing in the way of families and patients who desperately need safe, legal access to medical cannabis,” Sen. Adam Morfeld, the other state senator involved in the effort, said in a prepared statement. “But we will not stop fighting for them. We hope that every Nebraskan will stand with us and help our campaign succeed by getting involved and supporting the effort however they can.”

The same group unsuccessfully attempted to get a medical marijuana initiative on the November 2020 ballot. Though it surpassed the required number of signatures, that initiative was disqualified by the State Supreme Court, which ruled that it contained more than one subject.

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