LINCOLN- Speaker Mike Hilgers announced the schedule of events for the upcoming special session starting in just a few days.
The legislature will convene on September 13th, at 10:00 a.m. Prior to that date, according to Chair Linehan, the Redistricting Committee will vote on a redistricting plan (for all 7 maps), and make those maps public, to provide as much notice to the public as possible regarding the proposed plan in advance of the public hearings.
The Redistricting Committee will hold hearings in each of the three congressional districts as required by rule. Those hearings will be on September 14, 15, and 16. The information is as follows and will be posted on the appropriate public pages of the Nebraska Legislature's website:
September 14 at 1:30pm
Central Community College
3134 W. Hwy 34
Room 555, Health Science Education Center
3134 W. Hwy 34
Grand Island, NE
September 15 at 9:00am
Nebraska State Capitol Bldg.
1445 K St.
Room 1524
Lincoln, NE
September 16
Scott Conference Center
6450 Pine St.
Omaha, NE
On September 13th, the anticipated order of events will be begin special session, introduce the redistricting plan, the plan will be read,
referred to the Referencing Committee, then allow time for the Referencing Committee to refer the plans and have the report reported to the floor.
On September 14-16, in addition to the Redistricting Committee hearings, some standing committees will conduct hearings on gubernatorial appointments (such appointments are considered "administrative" and accordingly can be completed during the special session). At this time those committees include: Education, General Affairs, Government, HHS, Natural Resources, Judiciary, Business and Labor, and Retirement. For members not serving on any of these committees, September 14-16 will be check-in days only.
Speaker Hilgers anticipates that general file debate will begin on Friday, September 17. For the time being, Friday the 17th is expected to be a full day with a 5 p.m. adjournment (or later).
Work will extend to that Saturday, September 18, with a potential 8:00 a.m. start time. Speaker Hilgers has asked that those involved with redistricting reserve late nights every day of the week, including Friday, September 24th.