RALSTON- Voters in the Ralston Public Schools should start receiving ballots this week in the district’s first bond election in 20 years.
This time, it’s a mail-in election. The school board is asking voters to consider an $83.75 million bond issue. The money would benefit all eight schools.
Under a plan dubbed Future Ready Ralston, one elementary school would be demolished and rebuilt, others would be upgraded to modern security systems and floor plans, and the high school would get new competition baseball and softball fields.
The last time district officials put a bond issue in front of voters was in 2001. At that time, voters approved a $26.5 million bond issue to renovate Ralston High School.
If the bond issue is approved, the owner of a home valued at $200,000 would pay an extra $129.60 a year in property taxes.
The Douglas County Election Commission said almost 11,000 ballots were mailed Monday to registered voters.
All ballots must be returned to the Election Commission or an official ballot drop box no later than 5 p.m. Oct. 12 — the official closing date of the election.
School board members voted Aug. 9 to hold the election, trimming about $10 million from an earlier preliminary proposal after receiving public input.
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