LINCOLN- Gov. Pete Ricketts launched his final State of the State speech Thursday with reflections on his last seven years in office, a period in which the state faced historic floods, fires, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In the face of unprecedented challenges, the State of the State is strong,” he said, lauding the state’s handling of the pandemic, its unemployment rate, manufacturing sector, workers, legislators’ work last session, and problem-solving efforts across the state.
And he set the tone for the session ahead, highlighting initiatives and causes that would receive funding under the spending proposals he delivered to state lawmakers and laying out his top priorities.
Ricketts delivered his budget proposals during a year when the state is flush with cash. There’s expected to be $1.5 billion in its cash reserve by the end of the budget period, $412 in unanticipated state general fund revenues, and $1.04 billion in federal COVID-19 relief funds.
Given those numbers, he argued that lawmakers needed to return tax money to Nebraskans. He proposed reductions worth around $85 million for the current two-year budget period. Through the next budget biennium, the total would exceed $460 million.
For the areas of focus and suggested appropriated amounts, click HERE