LINCOLN- If Nebraska voters approve Initiative 432 next month, the state could be implementing the strictest voter ID laws in the country. The proposed constitutional amendment would require voters to present a "valid photographic" ID before casting a ballot in any and all state elections.
The initiative would apply to mail-in ballots and in-person ballots, and does not provide any specific exceptions. 35 states currently employ similar voter ID laws, but only 18 of them request or require a photographic ID. Twelve of these states also allow for certain alternatives if the person voting does not own a valid ID.
Mike Forsythe, a representative of Civic Nebraska, believes the new voting ID measure would make Nebraska one of the most restrictive voting states in the country. "Nebraska would become one of the most narrow and restrictive states in the nation in terms of the kind of ID that would allow you to vote," said Forsythe, "For thousands of Nebraska voters, voter ID would be a hindrance and impediment to freely cast a ballot."
Supporters of the new measure describe it as being "very simple," and claim that it will increase election integrity and boost Nebraskan's confidence in state elections. Bob Evnen, Nebraska Secretary of State, said that the new measure "provides an additional layer of security for our voting processes. No one will be foreclosed from voting because of this requirement. I don't think that it's going to impede voting in any way."
Evnen acknowledged the fact that Nebraska has not had any substantial occurrences of voter fraud, and that the state has never seen any instances of someone trying to impersonate another person when trying to vote.
Despite this, Doug Kagan of Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom believes that the new requirements, if implemented, will act as a preventative measure. "We don't want any vote fraud," said Kagan, "even if it's minuscule."
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