LINCOLN- Nebraska's first week of casino gambling brought in nearly $286,000 in taxes for state and local governments.
The Nebraska Racing and Gaming Commission Director Tom Sage called the number "remarkable."
Sage said he did not yet have an accounting of the total amount wagered in those first seven days, and WarHorse officials declined to release that number.
Director Sage did note that the first day of the operation had total wagers over several million.
Assuming a payout of 90%, gamblers putting $14 million into slot machines would net tax revenue of about $280,000. Extend those numbers over a full year, and slot machines in Lincoln could generate $728 million in revenue and $14.5 million in state and local tax revenue.
Of the nearly $286,000 in tax revenue generated in September, 70%, or about $200,000, goes into a fund that will provide relief to the state's property taxpayers.
In regards to the Omaha casino, construction continues.
WarHorse gaming spokesperson Drew Niehaus said, "Unfortunately in Lincoln, it was a little bit easier to get those machines into a space, Omaha requires a little more renovation to the existing facility so we’ve got a little bit more work to do before we’ll be gambling in Omaha.”
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