LINCOLN- Nebraska Republicans are expected to dominate the polls in November and retain control of the officially nonpartisan Legislature. However, they may have trouble flipping enough seats to push for a statewide abortion ban.
Abortion opponents are hoping to avoid a repeat of what happened in Kansas this summer, where voters overwhelmingly rejected a ballot measure that would have banned abortion. However, the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe V. Wade has injected a lot of uncertainty into this year's election, so it could go either way.
David Zebolsky, chairman of Nebraskans Embracing Life, wants to see change in Nebraska. "Whether we like it or not, Nebraska is now a destination state for abortion," said Zebolsky, "We're supporting strong pro-life legislative candidates om the November election to change that."
Republicans need to gain at least two seats to even have the chance to end Nebraska's status as the nation's most unlikely harborage for abortion services, especially since the minority party can block a measure if it doesn't receive 33 votes.
The proposed ban in Nebraska only received 31 votes, and Republicans' hopes were thwarted once again when Gov. Ricketts decided not to call for a special session to enact an abortion ban.
These setbacks are odd considering Nebraska's history. The state was the first in the nation to enact an abortion ban after 20 weeks.
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