LINCOLN- A $3 billion dollar settlement deal by Walmart will pay out a total of $11 million dollars to the State of Nebraska as negotiated by Attorney General Doug Peterson. The settlement with Walmart will resolve allegations that the company contributed to the opioid addiction crisis by failing to appropriately oversee the dispensing of opioids at its stores.
The money received from Walmart may not be the end of the funds. Walgreens and CVS are also in negotiation talks to settle their own opioid case. Walgreens and CVS filled significantly more opioid prescriptions than Walmart has.
Out of the three companies since 2018, Walmart has been the most proactive in trying to monitor and control prescription opioid diversion attempted through its pharmacies.
The parties are optimistic that the settlement will gain support of the required 43 states by the end of 2022, allowing local governments to join the deal during the first quarter of 2023, officials said.
In addition to Nebraska, attorneys general from North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Tennessee, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, California, Louisiana, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts and Texas have served as the lead negotiators on the settlement with Walmart.
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