NORTH PLATTE- Incumbent Mike Jacobson, who was appointed by Gov. Pete Ricketts to finish out Mike Groene’s term, and challenger Chris Bruns answered questions in front of a crowd of about 100 people at a recent debate.

The candidates agree on almost everything, so they were asked what qualifies them for the role.

“I spent nearly 10 years of active duty service for our country,” Bruns said. “During that time I learned a lot of really important things. I’ve had experiences that my peers and contemporaries and my seniors will never be able to say they’ve experienced.”

Bruns also pointed out that serving the community is important to him as he is the chairman of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners.

“As it relates to experience, I’ve had more than just two years in the role that I’m serving in,” Jacobson said. “My opponent will be finishing his second year on the county board here by the end of the year.

“I have been here in North Platte for 28 years. I’ve been involved in economic development from the day that I got here.”

The pair answered questions about abortion — they are both pro-life; issues related to the Nebraska Department of Education including critical race theory and proposed health standards — both are opposed to including either in public schools; constitutional carry — both agree 2nd Amendment is a fundamental right; both wish to eliminate secret ballots in the legislature and both are opposed to the “epic consumption” tax, which they said would take away local control and give too much control to the legislature.

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