DIXON COUNTY- The highly contagious and lethal avian influenza that has been circulating the country and state has claimed another group in Dixon County, according to the state Department of Agriculture. The total amount of affected laying hens in this round of the disease amounts to 1.8 million birds.
HPAI, or highly pathogenic avian influenza, spreads through nasal and eye secretions, as well as manure. It can spread in different ways from flock to flock, including by wild birds, through contact with infected poultry, equipment or caretakers’ clothing and shoes. Before this year, Nebraska hadn’t seen a confirmed HPAI case since 2015. The first wave of reports this year occurred between mid-March and April. After a quiet summer, additional cases flared up beginning in September.
Out of the now 13 separate accounts of HPAI in Nebraska, Dixon County has now been hit twice. Dixon County had an additional 1.7 million laying hens contract the disease on April 12th, 2022. Dixon County now has two of the top three highest flock numbers to contract HPAI, Knox County had 2.1 million laying hens come down with the disease on April 27th, 2022.
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