LOS ANGELES- Lead defense attorney Glen Summers bored into a mistake the lead FBI investigator made on an application for a search warrant in 2017.

In an October 2017 affidavit, FBI agent Todd Carter wrote that he suspected that the $30,000 given to Fortenberry at the 2016 fundraiser was repaid shortly after the February 2016 fundraiser, when a congressional resolution was introduced by Fortenberry condemning religious genocide. The resolution was sought and in part drafted by In Defense of Christians, which was headed by Baaklini and had Dr. Ayoub on its advisory board.

But Summers produced documents that showed the resolution wasn’t introduced in March 2016 in the U.S. House of Representatives, as Carter wrote. Rather, the documents show, that was the date of its introduction in the U.S. Senate. Records showed the resolution was introduced in the House in September 2015, months before the $30,000 was given at the February 2016 fundraiser.

“So the information you submitted was incorrect, wasn’t it?” asked Summers.

“It appears the date was wrong, yes,” Carter said.

Carter, who testified Thursday and Friday, repeatedly defended steps taken by the FBI in probing whether Fortenberry was aware he’d been given illegal “straw man” donations that originated with Chagoury.

But a Fortenberry campaign spokesman issued a statement after court Friday, blasting the “shoddy investigative work” of the FBI.

“This was an unjust case that should never have been brought and nothing the government has produced in its case so far proves otherwise,” said spokesman Chad Kolton.

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