LINCOLN- A bill that would require Gov. Pete Ricketts to apply for $120 million of federal rent and utility assistance money could be dead in the water despite passing in the Legislature.

Legislative Bill 1073 passed on a 26-15 vote Wednesday but crucially did not pass with an emergency clause, which means the law would take effect after the deadline to apply for the funding. The bill needed 30 votes to pass with an emergency clause, but it only received 26 votes in a separate attempt.

Additionally, Ricketts, who has repeatedly said he opposes the additional aid, could veto the bill.

In order for the bill to have the desired effect, the U.S. Department of the Treasury would first have to agree to extend the deadline for Nebraska beyond March 30, which State Sen. Matt Hansen of Lincoln said is a possibility. Additionally, LB 1073 would need 30 votes to pass a veto override if Ricketts vetoes the bill. 

Regardless of the bill's outcome, Hansen, who designated LB 1073 his priority bill, said there were other options available for the state to access rental assistance for residents, although he did not name specifics. 

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