Ricketts said he is encouraging Nebraska state senators “to pass whatever restrictions they think they can get the votes to be able to get done.” He said he supports a complete ban, but that the idea was floated to change the current proposal prohibiting abortions starting at 20 weeks to banning abortion at 12 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy.

“Unfortunately, we found out we had a couple of senators who were clearly playing games, who voted for the complete ban and then would not come back and work on a 12-week ban, which was just basically changing our current law from 20 weeks to 12 weeks. So, we clearly had some senators who were not being honest with their constituents on this,” Ricketts said.

The governor added that those senators “will be term-limited out” and encouraged the legislature to “take more steps to protect ‘preborn’ babies again next year.”

Also discussed was how to get more children interested in STEM education: science, technology, engineering, and math.

Ricketts said an increase in enrollment in those courses works to make sure companies can have access to the talent they need to continue to grow in the state.

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