LINCOLN- Governor Ricketts announced he will not be calling a special session to further ban abortion rights in Nebraska.
The state considered a full ban and a 12-week abortion ban in the previous months, but Governor Ricketts announced the 20-week abortion ban will remain in effect. The deal fell short of the required 33 votes that would be needed to make the change.
Omaha Sen. John McCollister, who supports abortion rights, said that the 12-week idea was an “insignificant” change from current law and not enough to call back lawmakers for a special, and no doubt heated, special session.
A letter had been circulating and gauging support, but only had 30 senators sign their names on it. Speaker of the Legislature Mike Hilgers said he didn’t want to speak for why not enough senators signed onto his proposal, but there certainly were some who thought such a debate would be better held during the next regular session, which begins in January.
Governor Ricketts did acknowledge the lack of needed votes, but also hinted at possible restriction discussions in the near future.
“Nebraskans need to have more conversations on the value we place on human life so more meaningful protections can be passed in our state,” said Ricketts.
The governor said that Hilgers’ letter shows that “elections matter.” State Senator Megan Hunt, a Democrat, said the same thing.
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