LINCOLN- State Sen.Dave Murman, who promised to introduce a bill that would give parents more control over what's being taught to their children, introduced LB374, which is formally called the "Parents' Bill of Rights and Academic Transparency Act." Murman claimed that he wanted parents to be the "ultimate decision-makers" for their children, prompting him to build LB 374. "The bill is to guarantee that they know what's in the curriculum, in the library, and what's being taught, so they can control what's being taught," said Sen. Murman.
When questioned, Senator Murman could not identify any specific examples of how parents were being denied information about what public schools were teaching their children, but claimed he's seen several school books in Nebraska schools he considered to not be "age appropriate." Sen. Carol Blood called the bill a "solution in search of a problem."
Sen. Lynne Walz, a former fourth-grade teacher, agreed with Sen. Blood, stating that any problems could be dealt with by a local school board. Sen. Murman's LB374 is patterned after similar bills introduced in Florida, Kansas, and Missouri, as well as a bill introduced in the U.S. Senate by Sen. Josh Hawley.
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